Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Year We Make Contact

MJ here,

For a good long while New Century Theatre Company has been easing into the comfortable embrace of the modern age.  This blog is our latest device to update our audience of the most recent developments, but also to give you some great behind-the-scenes glances at our company and the artists' journey along the way. Our real goal, however, is to offer an array of media to document our process.  This means that aside from the written word (updated regularly by our 13 members), we will also offer you photos, artwork, music and VIDEOS.

With pre-production already in full swing for O Lovely Glowworm, or Scenes of Great Beauty, we are ready to start sharing this ride with you.  So, to kick things off in great style, here is an image that will eventually become our poster.  It was created by Katie Hanson, an artist who has contributed to our three previous shows.  It was painted IN REAL TIME at our annul fundraiser  Into The Black.  Below we have founding members Ray Gonzalez and Peter Dylan O'Connor.

And if you like looking at Peter, here is a teaser for Glowworm, which also features Founding Member (and Gregory Award winner) Amy Thone.  Those of you who saw our previous production of On the Nature of Dust will appreciate the Easter Egg at the beginning.

Finally, in order for this blog to grow, we need your help.  Please spread the word.  Tell your friends.  Follow us regularly.  There are many great surprises headed your way.

I suppose that's all I've got for now.  I'm working on some exciting designs for NCTC swag coming at you soon.